I hope you enjoy reading about some of the news in our lives, including travel, photography (both terrestrial and aerial), technology, and even some personal stuff. In past years I have titled these C...Read More
Travel 2021 has challenged the travel industry in fundamental ways, and I can assure you, being a dedicated traveller during a pandemic isn’t much fun. Consequently, JoeTourist hasn’t trav...Read More
Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! All the best for the coming New Year Christmas Letter 2017 – all the news about our year on a web page suitable for reading online – includes links...Read More
Total Solar Eclipse I went on a road trip to Oregon this summer to view the Total Solar Eclipse on August 21st from Monmouth, a small university town in the Willamette Valley. I shared the experience ...Read More
Pets… Those of you who have read my Christmas Letters over the last few years must wonder about our bad luck with our pets’ health. Well, I regret to say, this trend continued again this year. Our...Read More