Common birds, so only significant sightings are logged, or when photos are taken.Observing locations are all in Victoria, BC, Canada unless otherwise noted. 2025.01.30 9:20 AM three birds flying low o...Read More
Common birds, so only significant sightings are logged, or when photos are taken. 2024.05.14 6:30 PM Four birds at Fifth and Finlayson streets chasing each other in the trees, calling to each other. 2...Read More
Very common birds, so only significant sightings are recorded. 2024-04-10 & 11 – I spot several birds in the harbour while aboard Discovery Princess when docked in both Pacific coast ports o...Read More
2024-04-10, 1 PM – One gull in flight over the harbour. Aboard Discovery Princess, Puerto Vallarta, Jalsico, Mexico – photos2024JCR5BC6A4075-77 Banner image – Joe Carr photo –...Read More
2024-03-26, 5:07:45 PM Bird not sighted, however two feathers were on our front steps – Home, Victoria, BC. Photos: 2024JCR0V5A1628-631 2023.10.26 1:45PM A pair of Flickers at the top of a Gar...Read More
2024.03.09 10:08am – Two birds in the Hawthorn and Laburnum trees in our side yard – Home, Victoria, BC, Canada. Photos: 2024JCR5BC6A3828-3839 2024.01.10 -Single bird in the Hawthorn tree ...Read More
Photo by Joe Carr – 2011JCIMG_4807 Common birds, so only significant sightings are logged, or when photos are taken. Observing locations are all in Victoria, BC, Canada unless otherwise noted. T...Read More
2023.11.26 & 29 10AM Single bird in Garry oak tree the corner of Blackwood and Summit 2020.11.24 10:22 AM A pair of woodpeckers the top of it playing in the top of the tree at Curtis Point, Gorge ...Read More
A common seasonal (winter) bird, so only significant sightings are logged, or when photos are taken. Observing locations are all in Victoria, BC, Canada unless otherwise noted. 2023-11-13, 9:30 AM &...Read More