Cooper’s Hawk

Common birds, so only significant sightings are logged, or when photos are taken.

2024.05.14 6:30 PM Four birds at Fifth and Finlayson streets chasing each other in the trees, calling to each other.

2024.04.19 9:30 AM Three birds at Jackson and Finlayson streets chasing each other in the trees behind some houses , calling to each other.

2024.01.15 7:50 AM A single bird flying over the neighborhood on Somerset Street on a cold morning

2022.07.18 2:10 PM two birds cackling as they fly low over Summit Park

2020.11.20 4PM Single Cooper’s Hawk perched on a tree overlooking the Smith Hill reservoir

2020.10 3:20 PM single Coopers Hawk soaring in the onshore breeze over Summit Park

2020.09.17 3:30 PM Single bird flying high over Quadra school and calling loudly.

2020.08.22 8:25AM Single bird squawking loudly 3100 block Jackson St.

Photos & video: 2020JCR0V5A1152-57

2020.07.30 6:30PM Single bird squawking loudly 3100 block Fifth St.

2019.10.09 3:20pm Summit Park solitary immature perched in a dead oak tree.

2016.07.19, 2016 3:01:47 PM PDT – Summit and Jackson solitary bird flying high

2014.02.07 3:46:57 PM PST – Summit and Prior 2 Ravens perched in a tree calling with a Coopers Hawk nearby. Latitude: 48.44441868, Longitude: -123.35603287

2012.12.12 11:19:53 AM PST – Cedar Hill Golf Course cackling in an oak tree. Latitude: 48.45629151, Longitude: -123.34253262

2010.07.24 1:19:39 PM PDT, Maple Grove, Duncan, BC. Parent & immature in tree and calling loudly.

2005.08.09, 8:00:00 PM A single tagged bird perched on the front deck rail and later perched in a Garry Oak in the front yard. Home, Victoria, BC, Canada

2000.02.13 9:08:45AM Cooper’s Hawk perched on the telephone cable running down Jackson Street in front of our home – 20002605

2000.02.13 3:30PM Cooper’s Hawk perched in the bushes – Cuthbert Holmes Park, Victoria, BC, Canada – 20003901-13

1997 – all summer – Cooper’s Hawks nest in neighbour’s tree. 3 young hatchlings.

  • 1997.09.30 – Cooper’s Hawks left nest (approx date)
  • 1997.05.18 Cooper’s Hawk – Today I watched one of the hawks feeding on fresh kill in the oak tree in my front yard. The kill was a bird of some kind. It was interesting watching the hawk pluck the feathers before eating it.
  • 1997.05.10 Cooper’s Hawk – 2
  • 1997.04.17 A Cooper’s Hawk is building a nest in a tree in neighbour’s front yard. The sparrows have stopped coming to the bird feeder.
Cooper's Hawk
Cooper’s Hawk – Joe Carr photo – 2005IMG_2627

Banner: Joe Carr photo – 2020JCR0V5A1155

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