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Merry Christmas!
Happy Holidays!
All the best for the coming New Year
Christmas Letter 2019 – all the news about our year on a web page suitable for reading online – includes links, photos & video
XmasLetter2019-JC – 1.0 Mb pdf – a concise version with just a few small photos, suitable for printing in colour on one double-sided, letter-sized sheet of paper
It is easy to print out the above banner graphic as a Christmas card. Simply select Print from your browser menu and print the single page with the Christmas card on it. Alternatively, right click on the Christmas graphic and left click selecting Open in new tab, then print it. Some browsers may require you to download/save the image, and then print it.
Please note: I prefer to send donations to my favourite charities in place of spending money on greeting cards and postage. I encourage you to consider doing the same!