My sightings of birds over the years, including observing notes and photos from around my home on southern Vancouver Island and the rest of the world during my extensive travels.
The listing below is not complete – still working on it. At last count, my bird sighting log had over 180 individual birds listed!
- Bald Eagle January 31, 2025Common birds, so only significant sightings are logged, or when photos are taken.Observing locations are all in Victoria, BC, Canada unless otherwise noted. 2025.01.30 9:20 AM three birds flying low over the treetops in Summit Park 2024.11.11 8:20 AM Two Bald Eagles flying out of Summit Park to the north west calling to each other – Finlayson ...
- Cooper’s Hawk July 14, 2024Common birds, so only significant sightings are logged, or when photos are taken. 2024.05.14 6:30 PM Four birds at Fifth and Finlayson streets chasing each other in the trees, calling to each other. 2024.04.19 9:30 AM Three birds at Jackson and Finlayson streets chasing each other in the trees behind some houses , calling to each other. 2024.01.15 ...
- Brown Pelican April 11, 2024Very common birds, so only significant sightings are recorded. 2024-04-10 & 11 – I spot several birds in the harbour while aboard Discovery Princess when docked in both Pacific coast ports of Manzanillo and Puerto Vallarta in Mexico. Photos: 2024JCR5BC6A4019 (Manzanillo) & 2024JCR5BC6A4068-71 (Puerto Vallarta) 2020.03.27 10:31am – 4 birds flying low to the water beside the Zaandam ...
- Laughing Gull April 10, 20242024-04-10, 1 PM – One gull in flight over the harbour. Aboard Discovery Princess, Puerto Vallarta, Jalsico, Mexico – photos2024JCR5BC6A4075-77 Banner image – Joe Carr photo – 2024JCR5BC6A4077 2024-04-09, 4 PM – Several gulls in flight over the harbour. Aboard Discovery Princess, Manzanillo, Colima, Mexico. Photos: 2024JCR5BC6A4034-37 Laughing Gulls – Joe Carr photo – 2024JCR5BC6A4037
- Red-shafted Northern Flicker March 26, 20242024-03-26, 5:07:45 PM Bird not sighted, however two feathers were on our front steps – Home, Victoria, BC. Photos: 2024JCR0V5A1628-631 Two feathers from a Red-shafted Northern Flicker – Joe Carr photo 2024JCR0V5A1630 2023.10.26 1:45PM A pair of Flickers at the top of a Garry Oak tree in Summit Park , Victoria, BC 2023.01.17 – a single bird perched in ...
- Varied Thrush January 10, 20242024.03.09 10:08am – Two birds in the Hawthorn and Laburnum trees in our side yard – Home, Victoria, BC, Canada. Photos: 2024JCR5BC6A3828-3839 2024.01.10 -Single bird in the Hawthorn tree – first sighting of the year after a mild winter – Home, Victoria, BC, Canada 2020.04.18 4:30pm – Single bird in the Hawthorn tree – first sighting of ...
- Barred Owl January 1, 2024Photo by Joe Carr – 2011JCIMG_4807 Common birds, so only significant sightings are logged, or when photos are taken. Observing locations are all in Victoria, BC, Canada unless otherwise noted. The Cornell Lab: Barred Owls have a distinctive hooting call of 8–9 notes, described as “Who cooks for you? Who cooks for you-all?” 2024.01.01 6PM – 3100-block Somerset ...
- Pileated Woodpecker November 29, 20232023.11.26 & 29 10AM Single bird in Garry oak tree the corner of Blackwood and Summit 2020.11.24 10:22 AM A pair of woodpeckers the top of it playing in the top of the tree at Curtis Point, Gorge Park 2013.11.11 9:57:31 AM PST – Latitude: 48.44629358, Longitude: -123.40603727 – Pecking a dead tree at Esquimalt Gorge Park 2013.08.03 ...
- Spotted Towhee November 13, 2023A common seasonal (winter) bird, so only significant sightings are logged, or when photos are taken. Observing locations are all in Victoria, BC, Canada unless otherwise noted. 2023-11-13, 9:30 AM – Single bird flitting through the Hawthorne tree at Home. Very few spots, so perhaps a juvenile. – 2023JCR5BC6A3749-51 2021.12.20 – Single bird on the suet feeder but mainly ...
- Red-whiskered Bulbul October 18, 20232023.10.18 12:45PM Single bird perched in a Pandanus bush – Lyon Arboretum, Manoa Valley, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA – photo – 2023JCR5BC6A3645